Bombaci Tree Care, LLC

Independently Owned & Operated

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Tree Fertilization

Bombaci Tree Care provides two different fertilization program options: a Mycorrhizae program, and a micro-injection fertilization program.

The Mycorrhizae program is comprised of a system of beneficial bacteria, known as "rhizobacteria". This type of bacteria works to improve the overall health of shrubs and trees, and comes in a liquid formula that is directly injected into the root systems of the plantings. Injecting the material in this way promotes new root growth, general healthy plant growth, and works to provide a defense against soil borne diseases for root systems. It has been found that shrubs and trees that have larger amounts of rhizobacteria live longer, experience fewer diseases, and need fewer chemical treatments.

The micro-injection formula is the number one choice of professionals in the arboriculture industry and has been providing exceptional results for more than 30 years. This program works by injecting fertilizer directly into the base of the trunk of the tree. The result is 100% of the elements injected being utilized by the plant making this a very cost effective fertilization program.

For more information on our tree fertilization services or to arrange for a free estimate, please contact us or use the free estimate request link on this page.


(860) 434-7948

Office Hours:

Monday thru Friday - 9:00am to 5:00pm