Bombaci Tree Care, LLC

Independently Owned & Operated

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Birch Tree Healthcare

Birch trees are quite popular choices to dress up a home's landscaping. Their brilliant leaves and their distinctive bark make them perfect decorative shade trees. That being said, birch trees also require a little bit of extra TLC. They need the right type of site and soil conditions in order to reach full maturity. Having soil that provides all of the necessary nutrients is critical for a healthy birch, and adding a Mycorrhizal fertilizing treatment to the soil can greatly improve overall health and well being.

It is also important to treat and prevent infestations of the two most common pests that affect birch trees: the Birch Leaf Miner, and the Bronze Birch Borer.

The Birch Leaf Miner

The Birch Leaf Miner can be quite devastating to a birch tree. The problem actually lies with the larvae of the Birch Leaf Miner as it burrows into the leaves of the tree causing significant damage. The first clue that your tree may be infested with leaf miner comes from small green spots on the surface of the leaf. These spots are usually seen in May and June, and then turn into splotches that are brown in color. While the leaf miner does not kill the tree on its own, it does cause it to become weak and more prone to attacks by the Bronze Birch Borer. Birch Leaf Miner can be effectively controlled by using systemic treatments.

Bronze Birch Borer

One of the most lethal pests to the birch tree, the Bronze Birch Borer poses a serious threat. The adult borers are bronze colored beetles that can measure up to 2 inches in length. The damage to the tree, however, is not caused by the actual beetle, but rather the larvae that bore into into the cambium and phloem layers after emerging from the eggs laid on the bark. The tunneling of these borers weakens the tree by disturbing the natural flow of sap.

Evidence of the Bronze Birch Borer can be noted by a progressive thinning of the tree's crown, starting at the top. After two to three years, the entire tree will succumb to the infestation. When caught early, treatments can be quite successful in controlling new infestations.

For more information on Birch Tree Healthcare services or to arrange for a free estimate, please contact us or use the free estimate request link on this page.


(860) 434-7948

Office Hours:

Monday thru Friday - 9am to 5:30pm

Saturday -  9am to Noon